Martin Amis: ‘I’m like Hugh Hefner — a villain of liberalism’

Being branded as a sneering elitist rankles with Martin Amis. Still, he is happy to be alive
Martin Amis: “There are some thoughts that lie too deep for tears”
Martin Amis: “There are some thoughts that lie too deep for tears”


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“I’m like Hugh Hefner,” Martin Amis says. “When he started out he was the hero of liberalism and then the culture changed. And then he became a villain of liberalism.”

Amis reclines on a cream sofa. Let me say right here that he is not wearing crimson pyjamas. He’s dressed in a pinstripe shirt and dark trousers and I expect that he is wearing underwear. But he is vaping: a blue light shines from the end of the pen as he inhales. And he has propped his head against a red cushion that calls to mind one of Hefner’s smoking jackets.

“Hefner started out in ’53, so 17 years before the sexual revolution. Then after the sexual revolution he became a pariah, and he didn’t